
Alfan Presekal

Assistant Professor (Tenured)
Universitas Indonesia
presekal (at) ui.ac.id

About Me

Research Interests


Selected Publications

  1. TSG
    Alfan Presekal*, Alexandru Ştefanov, Vetrivel Subramaniam Rajkumar, Peter Palensky (*Corresponding authors)
    IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol. 14, no. 5, pp. 4007-4020, Sept. 2023.

  2. TSG
    Yigu Liu*; Haiwei Xie, Alfan Presekal, Alexandru Ştefanov, Peter Palensky (*Corresponding authors)
    IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol. 14, no. 6, pp. 4968-4971, Nov. 2023.

Journal Publications

Conference and Proceeding Publications

Research Project

Journal and Article Reviewer Experiences

Conference and Proceeding Reviewer Eperiences